Monday 31 October 2011

The Race That Stops The Nation!!

Happy Melbourne Cup Day my Ideal Living Followers and welcome to all our newbies that joined us over the weekend! I hope your week has been absolutely fabulous, and you were all out and about maybe with Derby Day, Halloween celebrations, but the most important day has finally come.....MELBOURNE CUP!! 

Really for me, it is an excuse to open a bottle of French Bubbly before Midday hehe. Many of you would be in a similar boat as I am, having a two-year-old which prevents you from joining in on the 'traditional' celebrations of Melbourne Cup, but I figure why not hold your own fabulous Melbourne Cup Afternoon Fashion Bash at home.
Right, it is the day of Melbourne Cup, I haven't washed my hair in nearly a week, the house does look like a herd of cows have ran through it, but look on the bright side it is not even 8am it is going to 21 degrees and sunny today, send the hubby with a list of ingredients down to the shops, a lot of dry shampoo and a fabulous bun is hot with a massive fascinator and no one looks behind closed doors.... Brilliant, we are in business!!

Okay so first things firsts, get on that phone and invite your friends just a small group...... DONE!
Next, drinks haha, the first thing I think about, champagne in the cellar now in the fridge.  Will have to send the man down to get some beer for the lads for latter on I think.  Okay, so the food situation is the next important step.  If people are drinking you want them to feel full and comfortable and not get too 'happy' so we want continual nibbles and maybe a lovely salad, best thing that goes with Champagne is seafood.  Here are a couple fabulous recipes:

Oysters with three toppings
36 Oysters, on the half shelf
Coarse sea salt
Ponzu Dressing
2 tbs light soy sauce
2 tsp peanut oil
2 tsp mirin (Japanese rice wine)
1 tbs brown sugar
2 tbs lime juice
Shallot Dressing
1/3 cup (80ml) white wine vinegar
3 (75g) French Shallots, chopped finely
Green Mango & Cucumber Salsa
1/2 (65g) Lebanese Cucumber, seeded, chopped finely
1 tbs finely shredded green mango
1 tbs finely chopped red onion
1 tsp finely grated lime rind
1 tsp lime juice
1 tsp fish sauce
1 tbs vegetable oil
1. Ponzu Dressing -  Combine sauce, oil, mirin and sugar in a medium saucepan; stir over low heat until sugar dissolves. Add juice, season to taste; cool.
2. Shallot Dressing -  Bring vinegar to the boil in a small saucepan; remove from heat. Add shallot; cool.
3. Green Mango and Cucumber Salsa -  combine ingredients in a small bowl, season to taste.
4. Serve oysters with toppings on a bed of rock salt.

Snow Pea, Prawn and Avocado Salad with Chive Vinaigrette
150g sugar snap peas
750g cooked medium king prawns
2 small avocados
75g snow pea sprouts
Chive Vinaigrette
1/4 cup (60ml) white wine vinegar
1/3 cup (80ml) olive oil
2 tbs finely chopped fresh chives
1. Blanch peas until just tender; rinse under cold water, drain.
2. Meanwhile, shell and devein prawns, leaving tails intact.
3. Chive Vinaigrette, combine all ingredients in a small bowl.
4. Place peas and prawns in a large bowl with avocado, sprouts and vinaigrette; toss gently to combine and serve.

Champagne Cocktail
1 sugar cube
5 drops of Angostura bitters
30ml Brandy
160ml chilled Champagne
1. Place sugar cube in a champagne glass; top with bitters.
2. Add Brandy, then top with champagne.
3. Garnish with a strip of orange rind or a strawberry.

So I think I am off to give my house a quick clean and make myself look a little presentable!

Well, here's hoping.....

It gives me something to aim for!

Have a lovely day Ideal Living fans and stay safe whereever you may be this beautiful Melbourne Cup day.
Tammy xx

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