Thursday 22 September 2011

The Life Of A Two Year Old!!!

well that was an eventful afternoon, let's just say it is four o'clock in the afternoon and the bottle of Sparkling Pinot Noir I had in the wine cellar will be lucky to see out the night!

Many of you who have children of your own will know the challenges that you are faced with a two year old child, well let us just point out the obvious, I was the crazed woman running through the Central Markets with the possessed two-year-old screaming this afternoon, hence my desire to start drinking sparkling pinot at 4pm!

I have an absolute obsession for fresh produce which is why I love Adelaide's Central Markets.  My poor husband almost shudders at the idea of Oliver and I going shopping, it really is a disaster in the making.  My first stop is always the Asian grocer, for anyone who has never been to your local Asian supermarket it is an absolute must!  So many fresh and gorgeous veggies and many of these grocers actually grow their own produce.  A bunch of Pak Choi you will pay as cheap as 80 cents.... brilliant!  My favourite, and something our family goes through very quickly is soy sauce, I buy it in a 2 litre flagon for 9 dollars.  I always like to keep Miso soup, in my cupboard too, and they have a big range of different Miso soups at the Asian supermarket.   The array of spices and sauces could keep me in that one little shop for hours, but my wonderful little man pulls me back to reality and as he starts to throw his first two-year old tantrum for the day the gorgeous woman serving us hands him a fortune cookie which reads:
"You were a born leader!"
If only I wasn't so superstitious!!

After meeting my lovely friend for lunch and chasing Oliver around the Chinese restaurant while Yum Cha is being served, we continue our shopping (and arguing).  Meanwhile my two-year-old 'flirts' with the ladies serving us and manages to score a free gorgeous bread stick covered in Pecorino and Parmesan cheese, yum!  
I am very strong about free range chicken, eggs and meats.  We are so lucky to have beautiful butchers here in Adelaide, a particular Barossa based  butcher which my husband and I both love.

After an exhausting afternoon, Oliver spots the mechanical cars, I had no idea when my 40 cents ran out it was the beginning of the end........

Now we are home and after a long chat from his father, I can now review my shopping purchases and decide on dinner.  Alexander, after being bombarded from every member of his family has decided to go on a one month diet.  I had to laugh, well remind myself internal monologue every time his dad would say; "Alexander don't you want to more like me?"  So this diet basically means that, "Carbs are the enemy," well poo I say! 
With all the beautiful green produce I have purchased today I am very much inspired.  Chicken marinated in a ginger, garlic and chilli marinade served with pak choi and on a bed of steamed rice, ought to keep everyone happy tonight!  I have to let you know that Ollie, has a separate dinner, don't stress, I won't feed my son chilli.  Actually, the poor child is having a home made veal schnitzel with roast potato and a small side of a avocado salsa.  Life is so hard when you are two!

 Well, off I go to start cooking again for the family.  Another night has approached and another day has gone. 
Tammy xx

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