Monday 26 September 2011

Sunday Roast!

Happy Monday everyone!! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend and are all looking forward to the week ahead.  For those of you joining me in little old Adelaide, I hope you are enjoying the beautiful 24 degrees outside, if you are stuck inside you may just need to suddenly tell your boss your not feeling so well.
Exciting things are starting to happen inside the Idealiving studio.  Besides the fact it has now transformed from our formal lounge room into a home studio, there are some goodies in the making, which I will be happy to officially launch later this week.

Oliver and I had a trip to Ikea on Saturday with my mum (for moral support for trying to attempt to shop with a two-year-old), to buy some supplies for the new Idealiving studio.  Well, let's say the Ikea shopping trip was as successful as last weeks market shop.  

I purchased a small trolley with in-tray's and decided to put this together when we arrived home with the help of the darling Oliver.  I need to state that I am as handy around the home as our dog Elly is.  Before Oliver was born, I had attempted to put his pram together, which apparently was not that hard.  My husband had to undo the whole pram which I had spent hours on and then start over again.  So, you can imagine how ridiculous the thought of me putting anything Ikea together would be.  Well, I gave it a go anyway, but Alexander had to come to the rescue!

Yesterday we had a fabulous Sunday lunch with our very close friends.  Alexander and I decided that we should start trial cooking in our wood oven which Alex recently built, as we will be using it for Christmas lunch.  So, we took inspiration from Neil Perry's Whole roasted snapper and served it with a lemon aioli. 
The snapper was purchased fresh from a fishmonger, which was a bit of a family outing to go buy the fish.  

Its a big fish.....

Alex, Mat & Oliver with the fish.....

The Wood Oven.....

Lunch is served on the green...

The Lemon Aioli dressing was absolutely beautiful, so I want to share the recipe it with you:

Lemon Aioli
2 egg yolks
2 cloves of garlic crushed
3/4 - 1 cup Olive oil
1 1/2 lemons juiced
Pinch sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper

Whisk egg yolks until fluffy, add the crushed garlic.  Slowly drizzle the oil to incorporate until it forms a mayonnaise-like consistency.  Whisk in lemon juice and season to taste.**

Well, that's me done for another day, have to start cooking yet again.  It is Monday after all, which does mean it is officially family night.  Family night happens every Monday in our house with two of our close friends, a bit of a tradition we have kept up over the past few years.
Have a lovely Monday evening everyone and hope you love the Lemon Aioli as much as we did.
Tammy xx

** Aioli Dressing, Neil Perry, Australian Women's Weekly Christmas & Holiday Entertaining; recipe has been slightly altered.

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